Embrace the change

Accomplishing the desired change in your organisation requires a transformational or change leader

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Change is both an opportunity and a disruption

Change brings an opportunity to re-evaluate how your team, your organisation, and yourself, should work moving forward. As we adapt to these changes we should focus on two aspects that are highly impacted: people and the health of the organisation.

Indicators of engagement, productivity, and adaptability combined, give us an overall picture of how healthy an organisation is. Any disruption to your organisational health will have a direct impact on the outputs and goals of the company.

The DNA of a nimble organisation

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    Culture of High Performing Cross Functional Teams

    Organisations that are very effective at change, have a high performing, cross functional, community nature to team work in their environments.

    A high level of trust amongst the team members underpins this culture.

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    Deep Sense of Shared Purpose

    These organisations have a deep sense of shared purpose. This purpose is clear to all, and this helps to create an organisation where there is clarity about the priorities of the company, based on the unwavering commitment to that shared purpose.

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    Agile Workforce

    These organisations have a purposefully engineered flexible and adaptable workforce (or have systems in place to engineer one) that supports and encourages a culture of innovation and challenges them to outperform themselves every time.

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    Consistent Leadership

    Leadership in these organisations is committed to being high performing cohesive teams. Leveraging personal strengths, weaknesses, and diversity.

    The leadership team holds themselves as a group to the highest standard of accountability.

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    Structure and Governance

    The governance of change is an important element of corporate governance. It focuses on the process and approach of setting strategy at one end, to the realisation of the benefits which should be at the heart of the business case of every change programme.

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    Training, Capacity Building and Coaching

    There are many methodologies that describe a way to do change management across an enterprise, but effective organisations will standardise on a common approach and ensure staff are trained and coached on how to apply it.

The role of emotional intelligence

Change always involves some form of emotions because people enjoy comfort. However, change disrupts this comfort creating a situation filled with anxiety and uncertainty among change recipients.

In bringing about change through higher performance, leaders must fully engage and connect with their followers. Leaders can improve organisation effectiveness if they respond to coworkers with empathy, and there is an increasing importance of leaders to understand, recognise, as well as manage emotions for effective leadership. People who have developed emotionally intelligent-related skills use their moods and emotions and that of others to motivate them to adapt the desired behaviors. These abilities and skills are essential for leaders to successfully facilitate change.

The role of emotional intelligence

Every success story is a tale of constant adaption, revision and change. A company that stands still will soon be forgotten.

Richard Branson

Endpoint’s Change Leadership and Change Management Services

Maturity Assessment

We perform general maturity assessments to measure how your organisation performs against best-practice methodology and guidance. We assess practices and disciplines, such as change leadership, governance, enterprise architecture, portfolio management, project management, communication, and engagement.

We also perform assessment against specific change initiatives, programmes and projects; analysing “change readiness” to predict the likelihood of success. We explore factors such as, culture, clarity of purpose, finance, risk, experience, skills and capability, willingness, senior commitment, structure, and capacity.

These assessments are supported by quantitative and qualitative measures, and recommendations for improvement in maturity and capability to increase the likelihood of success and benefitrealisation.

Change Management

We work with project leaders, teams, and stakeholders to drive business change. We ensure that behaviours change, and that the change is embraced and supported.

We can help you adopt a common approach and set of tools and processes to identify what changes must occur to achieve the desired outcomes. We will work with you to develop specific change management plans for each group that would be impacted by the change. We can establish effective methods of risk management, benefit management, project management, and governance. We can lead or support on the execution of change in a well-orchestrated manner, considering sequences and dependencies as well as the interactions between change initiatives and continuous operational activities.

Get the most from your change initiatives

From employee resistance to a lack of leadership role-modeling, there are myriad reasons why 70% of all change initiatives fail.

Overcoming these odds to transform your business is possible, however, with the right approach.

Fully engage and involve your employees

Every initiative for change must be led by your people not forced on them from outside or above.

It is crucial that employees are invited to develop solutions to the issues on the table. Employees have deep expertise in their area of your business, and leadership should acknowledge this by listening to their ideas.

Identify the strongest influencers within the employee ranks and make sure you hear their grievances and incorporate their ideas for solutions.

Small change can equal big impact

Build momentum by identifying the most common pain points, by gathering anonymous employee feedback to questions such as “what one change would instantly improve your workday?"

Acting swiftly sends the message that change is possible. It’s also tangible proof that change initiatives can have a positive, personal impact on their day instead of just adding more to their to-do list.

Evolve and adjust

During the transition toward change, you'll learn things about your colleagues, employees and yourself. Not all of it will be pleasant but stay committed to incorporating your new knowledge in real time and adjust as needed.

Trial and error are key to determining what works, along with seeking out the expertise and feedback of your teams, clients and partners. Even when there’s a misstep, just acknowledge it quickly and avoid a repeat performance.

If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.

Peter Drucker

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